FabHotel Tanisha Jubilee Hills is 25 km from the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. The major railway station is 16 km away. Pick and drop facility (chargeable) provided by the hotel can also be availed by the guest.The budget hotel in Hyderabad has 33 well-furnished rooms with all the amenities to make the guests’ stay relaxing and comfortable. All the rooms are provided with LCD TV, satellite TV channels, air conditioning, tea/coffee maker, free Wi-Fi, comfortable and clean beddings, sitting area, tea or coffee maker, and attached bathroom with all the essentials including shower and toiletries.FabHotel Tanisha Jubilee Hills offers complimentary breakfast, laundry, lift, parking, driver room, pick and drop (chargeable), 24/7 security, and power backup. It features a 24-hour front desk with courteous staff.