Nestled in the heart of 1 Borneo F&K Residences is an ideal spot from which to discover Kota Kinabalu. The city center is merely 5.0 km away and the airport can be reached within 30 minutes. For sightseeing options and local attractions one need not look far as the hotel enjoys close proximity to 1Borneo Hypermall North Bus Terminal Consulate of Sweden.At F&K Residences every effort is made to make guests feel comfortable. To do so the hotel provides the best in services and amenities. Tours FREE airport transfer room service safety deposit boxes shops are just a few of the facilities that set F&K Residences apart from other hotels in the city.Experience high quality room facilities including internet access – wireless washing machine refrigerator desk to help you recharge after a long day. The hotel offers an excellent variety of recreational facilities including fitness center pool (kids) outdoor pool jacuzzi. Superb facilities and an excellent ...